Mta bus time b46
Mta bus time b46

“When you cut bus services, you are destroying the heart of the city,” Adams said. This is your mother, your sisters, your brothers -the people who make this city.” The medium income of people taking the bus is $28,000 a year – these are everyday folks. They are the people cleaning people’s homes, delivering services, working in mailrooms, people who swipe their MetroCard so they can get to their place of employment. If you are making bus cuts, you are taking away service from 75 percent of the people. “We don’t drive in the back of limousines and we don’t have people picking us up or taking Lyft or Uber,” Adams said. Those three routes, and now the B46, were assigned longer, articulated buses, which the MTA argues can carry more passengers.Īdams said 75 percent of those using buses in New York City are “people of color.” The authority reduced service on 11 routes in May as well as another three routes - B38 in Brooklyn, the Bx35 in the Bronx and the Q12 in Queens - in July.

mta bus time b46 mta bus time b46

NYC Transit President Andy Byford recently announced bus service reductions around the city and has already nicked service on a handful of bus routes since the spring.

mta bus time b46

Patafio claims the longer wait could result in angering commuters and increased assaults on drivers that the TWU claims has been on the rise.

Mta bus time b46